Monday, June 24, 2013

Trust Me

I'm always tempted to post the nudes I've been hoarding 
not mine of course but other people
but that's mean

Penis (I said no)

the most handsome disappointment
(the sweetest voice ever)
 I hope you stay stuck and stagnate
I don't wanna be your friend 

Texas Thrift

Hey there 2nd Job it's so damm nice to meet you

For realz
I really like working at a thrift store
maybe i'm only saying that cause I've been working there for under 2 weeks
i'm pretty happy thou
my co-workers are nice
and it's a weird experience being on the other side of thrifting 
cleaning up the mess, not being able to buy the things as soon as i see em, being the backroom with all the new inventory, going thur the sections I wouldnt normally (toddlers toys linens)
I just wish they paid more 


~more pictures coming soon~

Monday, June 17, 2013


I know what I want 
someone in my predicament doesn't really have any other choice
However what I need is focus
and self control

Monday, May 6, 2013

Dating a High School-er is a Morning Period

i don't know


I bought myself a poloroid camera for my birthday but i don't have a scanner

 (* ̄m ̄)


hey there old friend
i'm done making promises I cant keep
this is what my hair look like currently
it's grow alot i can put it in buns and what not
i've been working at the call center for 6 months
i've been missing people i shouldn't miss
and i've become a terrible person
i have secrets i have to keep and they are eating me up
maybe if someone knew i would feel so bad?
maybe if someone knew they could help me?
but if i told they would know what a awful person i am
i'm just waiting
karma will get me back so when i'm crying i know i deserve it

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Like A Rock

Being stable is what I'm good at
I'm consistent
I'm dependable
I'm the same always
always always always
I'm lucky for that 
I'm come from a stable enviroment
what I want, what I feel I can provide my friends is with a stable place
to rest
to sleep
to escape
I want to do what my parents do 
I want to be stable
for my friends
 maybe that'll be my goal for next year
it's definitely something I need to focus on instead of other things

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I'm thankful for the people who gave me life

the people who have been brought into my life

the lessons I've learned

the lights of my life

and for mason
who loves me no matter how crazy i get