Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Science Fiction

October is just around the corner!
it's been awhile, i wanna say I've been preoccupied with things but really I'm just lazy. I have things i wanna do but when it comes down to it i end up flaking out. I wanna get one thing accomplished everyday (if i do more that's awesome but for now I'll set my goals low) and today i did the 2nd draft to my hair bleaching essay! good enough but i was hoping to go to the goodwill and snag some threads i also wash y conditioned my hair (:3
I would want to start document my outfits? i think it'll be interesting to see 
I would want to start hanging out with people for often
I would want to take pictures again, not anything pro but pictures the way i used to take them i don't bust out my camera the way i used to
I would want to update this thing more but i always say that
 I want to learn how to make/edit videos!!
I don't think I'd be great but i think it'll be funny
I'm typing all these things down here so i wont forget i also plan on physically writing them as well for reinforcement
I'm kinda sad i don't really have anything to say but I'll have something to say eventually

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