Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vocal Cords

I've never paid too much attention to voices
but when your relationship is based on pixels and phone calls..
I can't help but listen more carefully
It's not just the words but the tone 
I don't think I ever felt like he has lied to me
His voice just seem so sincere

Saturday, February 18, 2012

¿Qué hora es mi corazón?

Where do i begin?
I never thought I would be one of those sappy love-sick girls
I don't believe in fairy tales 
                         love at first sight
                         true love
and I most certainly didn't believe in young love
I feel like I have been in love or at least I used to think so 
  as you can tell from my past posts that didn't turn out too well

Eventually I got over it
Eventually the hole in my chest was healed
then I went off to go like other people 
and to have those crushes remain crushes
 Thus reinforcing my previous thoughts on love
but then one lonely tumblr night I came across a certain face
and with a few clicks and against all my beliefs I was swept off my feet
I will try my hardest these next few line to try to describe how I feel for this boy
I'm completely entirely so very madly deep in love with him
I didn't think I could feel this way
especially with someone I haven't even met yet 
I am in love with someone who feel the exact same way about me
with the exact same intensity
I want to marry him
I want to sleep naked with him
              kiss his face forever
 I know it's only been a month and there is a very very strong possibility that were still in our honeymoon phase 
but I don't care!!!
all my other honeymoon phases never felt this good 
nor was a able to open up as much as I have with him
 It's not just death star explosions in my stomach that he gives me 
or that fact that his voice makes my heart beat faster than any kiss a guy has given me
it's not his love of star wars that has the ability to make me weak at the knees
It's a combination of things
 like the fact he call/text me everyday and apologizes profusely when he can't
       the fact that he sent me a heart-shaped pizza
       the fact that's he's always trying to make feel comfortable around him
       the fact that he can open up to me and call me his best friend
I have so many reasons to love him not including how fucking cute/sexy/handsome/mind-blowing-amazing 

GAH! there is just so much love I have for him and we still haven't met

I don't know how to end this but I'll leave it at this
I have been changed
I'm happier than I ever thought I could be
and I owe it all to him

I've never been so sure of my feeling before <3

this isn't even the tip of the iceberg


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Less Than 3

I always feel like I don't like Valentines 
but then I see cute things and it makes me happy
I guess having someone make a difference
Either way thou these really make Valentines more fun

I was waiting a long long time for a boy like you

My Hair Dyed and Went to Heavan

well more like actually died