Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Am I trying too hard?
Am I not giving off enough hints that I want you to talk to me?
I just miss you more than anything right now
This could be a bad idea laying all this out on the internet
I don't even know if you read this
It could just be a bunch of random people looking at this..
I wish I knew
I wish I knew what was going on your head
I just want so desperately for you to call me..
I've already call twice these past few days
But your step-mom said you weren't home
I've sent you a message on tumblr
But you haven't replied
I've even sent you a email..
Which you also haven't replied to
Should I just get it through my head that I'm just a crazy ex-girlfriend?
          that maybe you really are done with me?
          that you're happier without me?
          that you're avoiding me?
I don't know..
i guess I should give up
everyone is telling me too
it just seems a little tough for me to take
that the first boy who wanted to marry me would change his mind in 3 months I figure I would linger in you a little longer
marriage is kind of a big deal to me
because in my head when i said i want to marry you it translated to i want to spend the rest of my life with you and I would never want anything else
feelings like this take a bit more time to fade
at least for me it does
I hope you do call
 and say something how you didn't know I called and apologize profusely
 I don't want to chase you
there's no point
I'll just end up sad even more sad..
I really hate that I'm bearing all this on here
but honestly I don't know what else to do but hope that you read this and call 
I need some closure before I can fully move on from this 

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