Thursday, June 28, 2012

We Both Have Better Things to Do

I had a dream about you last night
I woke up at 9 confused and wondering if I should call you
because they say if you dream about someone it means they were thinking about you before they went to sleep
In my dream I couldn't sleep so I went to your bed and put on your beanie and hid my face
I knew you would be mad if you caught me
you saw me but you didn't want to look at me so you called your mom to get me out of your room 
right before I left I thought I didn't come all this way for nothing
so I turned to you and asked you why
you said you didn't trust me
I feel like this is as close I'll get to talking to you 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Boring Horror

..really thou..
it's almost a relief
one of those that hurt but not as much as the initial pain
i wanna laugh and scream and punch someone
but after a few moments the shaking stops
it's more irritating than painful now 
I can't believe myself more than anything
here I was thinking what we had was special
You are young and I am an idiot
we are idiots
 I'm sure she's a nice girl


Jasmine Meli and I went to go eat pizza at a restaurant called Deco's
originally i wanted to go so Jasmine could see this cute waiter who worked there (my attempt to get her to like younger dudes)
He wasn't there but there was this stand up poetry thingy going on 
So we grabbed our drinks and sat outside to listen
there's something about listening to other people pour their hearts out that tends to shake you even when they're strangers

There was a man who didn't know Harlem who noticed that
our queens turned into bitches and started calling themselves kings
our kings turned into dogs and started calling themselves gods

There was a man that wanted water over blood
because even thou blood is thicker than water
your family can betray you and cast you out in the blink of an eye
that they begin the process of isolation when you are young
that all you are is a repeat of questions at family functions

There was a woman standing in heels
who says they feel the same as her combat boots
that they're are blind eyes to men who like their hands up women's skirts
and men who puff themselves up with pride and muscles
protecting and being rewarded for what women do

and there was another women with insomnia
who like me would lie awake at night eyes heavy but unable to fall asleep
who like me was up at ungodly hours
who unlike me had her own personal sleep aid
she talked about a man who's arms would cradle her to the deepest of sleeps
how's his scent would surround her making her feel safe
how she can always go to him and he'll be there
she then began to tell us how dizzying it was to walk to his house
how her heart skipped a beat pressing the doorbell down
how the dizziness intensified knowing that her sleep aid was a door away
she described her heartbeat as she heard the clinking of locks being turned
how she can almost taste her dreams and the man who helps her there
then the door opens
and a women is already standing there

it was definitely the last one that hit all of us the most even with a few days passing we still talk about what we heard that day
I feel like these things find a way inside you and stay there
they aren't loud they are speaking in whispers

i only wish i could express myself like those strangers


Saturday, June 16, 2012


I'm not mysterious I just know how to look the part
I'm not a rebel I never broke any rules and I've never gotten into a fight
I'm always happy when I get bruises because i feel like I'm actually doing something
I do care what other people think
Sometime I put their concerns over my own
I spend too much time on tumblr
I spend too much time looking at my face
trying to decide if I'm pretty or not 
I'm so damm oblivious to things


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oh Darn, The Sink Is Broken

I went to Dallas last weekend (something i never do) as a desperate attempt to see my baby grrl and all her fly-ness 
I feel the happiest when all 3 of us are together
and then we went to IKEA on the way back to san anto 

Jedi Braid

It was somewhat an accident
but not in the way you would think
this wasn't some cry for help or me being severely depressed
I cut my hair for completely logical reasons 
like how swimming was not doing anything good to my hair
how my hair had the ability to rip in two
and how my hair didn't really feel like hair anymore
It was spouse to just be me cutting the ends of my hair..
but once i started snipping i just kept going
and going 
and going

i feel somewhat liberated..
I've never had my hair this short but i feel like it's becoming of me
i do miss having long hair but whenever I get sad about it I tell myself

At Least My Jedi Braid Looks Cool As Shit
 and then a baby death star explodes in my stomach :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I took the battery out of my phone and gave my laptop to my sister
And for a week I isolated myself  
to sort things out and to find myself free from other peoples influences
I feel like it helped
especially with the whole being slightly addicted to tumblr
and it helped just slowing everything down
my isolation period started and ended with the same people