Sunday, November 25, 2012

Like A Rock

Being stable is what I'm good at
I'm consistent
I'm dependable
I'm the same always
always always always
I'm lucky for that 
I'm come from a stable enviroment
what I want, what I feel I can provide my friends is with a stable place
to rest
to sleep
to escape
I want to do what my parents do 
I want to be stable
for my friends
 maybe that'll be my goal for next year
it's definitely something I need to focus on instead of other things

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I'm thankful for the people who gave me life

the people who have been brought into my life

the lessons I've learned

the lights of my life

and for mason
who loves me no matter how crazy i get

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Velvet Flowers

I felt pretty today
which is good since I've been pretty much crying everyday

 Isn't my momma the cutest???
too bad I don't look like her

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Call Center

I want to think about the things I want 
and the things I want to be
I finally got a job so maybe I can start moving forward
It's scary and a little jarring telling my friends what days I can cannot hang out with them
I know I shouldn't count my chickens before the hatch
but what else can I do?
It's nerve-wracking
I want to get an apartment (i don't think I can afford a house on my own)
I want to throw adventure time marathons
and Star Wars marathons
I want costume parties
and sleepovers
I want to have a place for all my mugs that I find at thrift stores
I want to go grocery shopping and buy everything I like
I want to buy furniture
like I said I shouldn't jump the gun 
but it makes it seem like it's worth it ya know

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I have a bigger memory card now but i'm hardly taking pictures
I felt like last year I had my camera in my hand more than I had my phone
now I dont really hold anything

I guess that's just what happens
it's been 2 years anyways