Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Woe is me.

I feel like I've waited too long to try to fix things
it wont ever be like it used to

Monday, October 17, 2011


he bought a webcam thingy
we chat for the first time for a few hours
he sang wonderwall and turn into you
he played guitar 
we ate almonds and made faces
it was super nice to see his beard 
dont wanna get my hopes too high thou

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Science Fiction

October is just around the corner!
it's been awhile, i wanna say I've been preoccupied with things but really I'm just lazy. I have things i wanna do but when it comes down to it i end up flaking out. I wanna get one thing accomplished everyday (if i do more that's awesome but for now I'll set my goals low) and today i did the 2nd draft to my hair bleaching essay! good enough but i was hoping to go to the goodwill and snag some threads i also wash y conditioned my hair (:3
I would want to start document my outfits? i think it'll be interesting to see 
I would want to start hanging out with people for often
I would want to take pictures again, not anything pro but pictures the way i used to take them i don't bust out my camera the way i used to
I would want to update this thing more but i always say that
 I want to learn how to make/edit videos!!
I don't think I'd be great but i think it'll be funny
I'm typing all these things down here so i wont forget i also plan on physically writing them as well for reinforcement
I'm kinda sad i don't really have anything to say but I'll have something to say eventually

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Social Networking

makes me feel lonely
makes me think that the majortiy of my relationships are superfical
brings out the stalker in me
makes me worry about the future
makes me jealous
I'm just happy Eri doesn't have one 
cause then it'll really destroy me
I really dont want anyone to find out i have one
it's not anything personal thou
well if you look in to it it is
i just want you to be happy
You have been here since the begining
I'm sorry I've neglected you

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Firefox you bastard!
so here I am trying to update my blog and internet explore refuses to let me 
says i need a fox on fire or something
wells frank downloaded it for me and now here i am

Still short

A summer tan D:

and my hair cut off and dyed blue

what was left on my head wasnt worth keeping anyways

I know allot has changed in my life but the change is becoming a normal i cant spot out the difference between then and now when i wake up the next day i feel like nothing got done but i know couldn't fit anything more into my days

it's weird being busy

now that i know how to update i shall be on here more often
i have no other way of keeping tracks of things
these people are my life and business

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Creature Of The Night

When your with fellow creatures you end up falling into deep conversation or  snap pictures of pokemon, end up at and ex-boyfriends house demanding your panties back, throwing gummies at each other or just swinging.

I was never a nocturnal to begin with. Since my early years I've always slept early and now I have been enveloped..Now its not only my thoughts that keep me up at night it's my damm laptop as well.
Being Nocturnal Sucks.
Its just being "connected" with so many people and still being alone in room is an incredibly heavy thought.

i feel like I'm trapped here i want to go outside but being by yourself is no good. When your with someone else your fearless (sorta). Now there's nothing to do but stare at a screen and attempt to get thoughts out of my to help a restless mind

when everyone goes to bed they start to think of scenarios that never happen the most reoccurring one for me is that someone will start throwing rocks at my window <3

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Texas Heat

Texas you are a bitch!
the morning are nice in breezy chilly almost and noon comes around and your like a deathray..
Texas really is the only place where talking about the weather isn't boring topic.
Our 3rd month at first friday was swell and also hot (summerbandhot)
I saw more familar faces than i ever did so it was very pleasent. we did good considering we procastinated the entire month and cracked down litrally the day before :)
 My hair is fading into a pink and the other half is fading into a grey im not too sure if i like it yet but its wateves

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Promise

i think of things, of everything too much
i realize things and then convince myself its nonsense
i end up going in circles trying to remember you
thinking of ways to talk to you
daydreaming what our conversation would be like if we took the bus together 
i remember when we were best friends
when we'd talk about everything
when we'd just sit and watch each other draw
before i walked into art i always took a breath.
i remember feeling sad when you weren't in class but there you were 10 minutes later rushing in saying sorry to Mrs.Rodriguez and smiling at me.
i remember thinking that you were just a big joke.
i remember that day when you were really sad.
i can almost picture it perfectly
your face
the way your eyes looked.
your face when you blanked out your face when you looked at me
the way you looked at prom.
thank you for trying to make the DJ play an 80's song for us

you know i was hoping that maybe you were thinking about me too
i was thinking about you
i was thinking about you since October
i should have never went to that party i should have told via no i should have listened i should have stayed home..
i really didn't want to see you with any other girl just smiling stupidly with your arm around her
i wanted to throw that fucking beer can in your face.
i have to keep reminding myself that i as the one who broke up with you.
i have to keep reminding myself that i shouldn't want to be with someone who didn't want to try to be with me.
you Evaristo Montalvo are my eight grade crush, my senior boyfriend, my prom date, my graduation kiss, my first and also a terrible reminder.
im sorry i punched you in the face i now know how terrified you were of turning me into angel. i should have worked harder on telling you that i wasnt going to her.

-I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of right to say
I know they don't sound the way i plan them to be
but if you'd wait around awhile I'll make you fall for me
I promise, I promise you I will.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


For some reason... Lady Gaga decied to stop by this sleepy town and Kat, the two Franks and I got to see her :3

In the time period of ONE day we found our tickets on ebay, franticly try to outbid all the bastards on ebay, won our tickets on ebay, had a paper jam, printed our tickets, diecied on our outfits, met up at my house found a ride last mintue and made our way to the at&t center without any dierections.

My outfit was based on the fact that I'am of "Chola Descent" so frank dressed up as a chola with me. Of course thou we twisted into a dark version of the look. Katayla was un biker chick and frank was towering on paltforms.

The only dissapiontment was that speechless wasnt performed.

 (look at her shoes!!)

We all refraimed from buying anything at the concert since a cup of water was 7 dollars. We danced on empty stomachs and after the show we filled our bellies with Mickey'Ds, cheese pizza, and various forms of veggie chips :)

With Gaga and Glitter residue still on us Franks rode boards and bikes the next day. Twas a Bubble Dream.